Socialization in drug abuse
Coombs, Robert H.
Publication Information:
Cambridge, Mass. : Schenkman Pub. Co., [1976]
Physical Description:
xvi, 478 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Patents and potions - Precursors to modern drug use and abuse / William H. Post & John H. McGrath -- Advertising and drug acculturation / Robert Seidenberg -- National patterns of psychotherapeutic drug use / Hugh J. Parry ... [et al.] -- Physician characteristics and attitudes toward legitimate use of psychotherapeutic drugs / Lawrence S. Linn -- Drug use in Vietnam / Morris D. Stanton -- Ideological supports to becoming and remaining a heroin addict / Harvey W. Feldman -- Anticipatory socialization toward college as a factor in adolescent marijuana use / Armand L. Mauss -- Heads and freaks : patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies / Fred Davis & Laura Munoz -- Recruitment into drug use / Herbert Blumer ... [et al.] -- Illicit drug distribution and dealer communication behavior / Robert L. Atkyns & Gerhard J. Hanneman -- A contagious disease model for researching and intervening in heroin epidemics / Patrick H. Hughes & Gail A. Crawford -- Multiple drug use among marijuana smokers / Erich Goode -- A test of Lindesmith's Theory of addiction : the frequency of euphoria among long-term addicts / William E. McAuliffe & Robert A. Gordon --
Needle sharing in the Haight: some social and psychological functions / Jan Howard & Phillip Borges -- Taking care of business - the heroin user's life on the street / Edward Preble & John J. Casey -- A San Francisco Bay area "speed" scene / James T. Carey & Jerry Mandel -- Cessation patterns among neophyte heroin users / Robert Schasre -- Life without heroin : some social adjustments during long-term periods of voluntary abstention / Dan Waldorf -- The cycle of abstinence and relapse among heroin addicts / Marsh B. Ray -- Licensee responsibility to review records before their broadcast / U.S. Federal Communications Commission and dissenting opinion of Nicholas Johnson -- Disabusing drug abuse / Fellows of the Drug Abuse Council -- The drug addiction business / Garrett O'Connor ... [et al.] -- Some speculations on U.S. drug use / Jane Newitt, Max Singer and Herman Kahn.
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