Cover image for Ottoman statecraft; the book of counsel for vezirs and governors (Naṣāʼiḥ ül-vüzera veʼl-ümera) of Sari Meḥmed pasha, the defterdār.
Ottoman statecraft; the book of counsel for vezirs and governors (Naṣāʼiḥ ül-vüzera veʼl-ümera) of Sari Meḥmed pasha, the defterdār.
Ottoman statecraft; the book of counsel for vezirs and governors (Naṣāʼiḥ ül-vüzera veʼl-ümera) of Sari Meḥmed pasha, the defterdār.
Sarı Mehmet Paşa, pasha, -1717.
Publication Information:
London : H. Milford, Oxford university press; Princeton : Princeton university press, 1935.
Physical Description:
xv, 172 pages, 135 pages, 5 l. ; 24 cm.
General Note:
Turkish text has special t.-p. and separate paging.

"Abbreviations": p. [xiii]-xv. "The manuscripts": p. 13-14.
Format :