When chicken soup isn't enough : managing your anger in an increasingly angry world
When chicken soup isn't enough : managing your anger in an increasingly angry world
Barris, Bradley P.
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Memphis, TN : Barris & Associates, [1999]
Physical Description:
v, 111 pages
This book represents an effort ... to address the needs of those individuals struggling to manage their anger. Once the origins of anger are explained, readers are given the tools necessary to help them choose an emotion, other than anger, that helps them be more assertive, helps them solve life's problems, and results in their being better parents and partners. -Back cover.
Why is managing anger so difficult? -- Managing anger, the basics -- The many faces of anger -- Stocking your psychological toolbox, additional techniques for managing anger -- Anger and aggression, choosing the assertive option -- Anger and problem solving -- Self-discipline before other-discipline, the art of being a parent -- The aftermath of anger, rebuilding relationships -- Why are our children so angry? -- Anger and your past -- Appendix: Homework exercises.
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