The future of human reproduction : ethics, choice, and regulation
The future of human reproduction : ethics, choice, and regulation
Harris, John, 1945-
Publication Information:
Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1998.
Physical Description:
x, 254 pages ; 23 cm.
Rights and reproductive choice / On the concept of pre-embryo : the basis for a new "Copernican revolution" in the current view about human reproduction / Eugenics : some lessons from the Nazi experience / Reproductive rights : feminism or patriarchy? / Woman's right to choose? : a feminist critique / Embedding the embryo / Price of eggs : who should bear the costs of fertility treatments? / Sperm as property / Some comments on the ethics of consent to the use of ovarian tissue from aborted fetuses and dead women / Ethical issues in pre-implantation diagnosis / Reproductive choice : a Muslim perspective / To everything there is a season? : are there medical grounds for refusing fertility treatment to older women? / Post-menopause, playground for reproductive technology? : some ethical reflections / Letter from a post-menopausal mother
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