Cover image for An educators' guide to schoolwide reform.
An educators' guide to schoolwide reform.
An educators' guide to schoolwide reform.
American Institutes for Research.
Publication Information:
Arlington, Va. : Educational Research Service, [1999]

Physical Description:
vi, 141 pages, approximately 150 ; 28 cm
A guide prepared for educators and others to use when investigating different approaches to school reform. It reviews the research on 24 whole-school, comprehensive, or schoolwide approaches.
General Note:
"Prepared by: American Institutes for Research, under contract to: American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Education Association."
Overview -- Profiles of 24 approaches: Accelerated schools -- America's choice -- ATLAS communities -- Audrey Cohen College: Purpose-centered education -- Basic schools network -- Coalition of essential schools -- Community for learning -- Co-NECT -- Core knowledge -- Different ways of knowing -- Direct instruction -- Expeditionary learning outward bound -- Foxfire Fund -- High schools that work -- High/Scope K-3 model -- League of Professional Schools -- Modern red schoolhouse -- Onward to excellence -- Paideia -- Roots and wings -- School development program -- Success for all -- Talent development high schoool with career academics -- Urban learning centers -- Catalogs and reviews of schoolwide approaches -- References -- Appendices.
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