Geronto-psychiatric literature in the postwar period; a review of the literature to January 1, 1965
Geronto-psychiatric literature in the postwar period; a review of the literature to January 1, 1965
Ciompi, Luc.
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Chevy Chase, Md. : U.S. National Institute of Mental Health; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington], [1969]
Physical Description:
vi, 97 pages ; 27 cm.
Includes narrative review and 2747 references arranged in alphabetical order by author. Review reflects interdisciplinary approach to study of human problems; references, many foreign, include those pertinent to social and cultural aspectsof aging. Study was subsidized by the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research.
General Note:
"Translated from Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie und ihrer Grenzgebiete (Stüttgart), 34 (2): 49-159, 1966."
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